WASTE into

What we do
Pure Fuels process waste oils and fats into industry leading biofuels that work 24/7
proven over tens of millions of miles​
in 50-100% concentrations
in advanced Euro 6 engines
a 40 strong fleet
fulfilling blue chip contracts
saving 84% GHG emissions
working towards the UK meeting 2050 Net Zero

Pure Fuels have achieved an industry leading biofuel technology standard
R100 BioDiesel
made from the wastes rejected by mainstream biodiesel production
a drop in diesel fuel
costs the same as mineral diesel
delivers genuine carbon savings

When you realise R100 can be made from the waste stream emitting from a major biodiesel plant you begin to grasp how cutting edge the technology is
R100 is the result of 20 years of developing proprietary reaction methods, processing techniques & bespoke fuel making equipment to achieve
a fuel tested to EN14214 and beyond
to ensure it works problem free
over millions of miles
in 50% to 100% concentration

EN 14214
Over the years the R100 fuel making process has been used on waste stream feedstocks emitting from many major biodiesel plants
The R100 process transforms the most difficult feedstocks into EN14214
and beyond
see the difference
The production of R100 is part of our aim to totally recycle waste oil and fat

Looking to the future we are developing a less energy intensive process to produce an ultra low emission glycerin fuel
G100 bioglycerin
runs a converted diesel generator
produces genuine green electricity
emits over 90% less emissions compared to mineral diesel