R100's Carbon Savings
Queens University Belfast's analysis of R100's CO2 savings has been calculated by using the Freemans Transport fleet’s Mercedes Fleetboard data:
R100 in a B60 blend achieves CO2 savings across the fleet
1.6kg/lit relative to mineral diesel
1.41kg/lit relative to B7 diesel
Relative to B7 that equates across the fleet to
weekly savings of 64,000 kgCO2
annual savings of over 3,300 MtCO2
Queens University concluded
further savings can be calculated as this is a waste-to-energy fuel​
therefore the whole life factor would be 80-85% (rather than the 45-65% factor for vegetable oil biodiesel)
R100 is recognized by the DfT as
biodiesel a 100% renewable fuel
carbon intensity 14.9gCO2eq/MJ
lifetime GHG emission saving of 84% relative to fossil fuel comparator for transport of 94 gCO2eq/MJ