Meeting Our Environmental and Financial Challenges
R100 BioDiesel
proven over millions of miles...
...biofuel from waste that works
Pure Fuels R100 BioDiesel decarbonises
road haulage, agriculture and electricity generation
blue chip contracts
meeting 2030 CO2 saving targets today
working towards meeting 2050 Net Zero
R100 is a 100% renewable biodiesel
useable in up to 100% concentration
with no conversions
truly sustainable - made from biofuel factory waste streams
using in house processing knowledge and equipment
designed, refined and proven over the last 20 years
​and crucially
the financials stack up
it runs in the lorries
meets EN14214
take that for our company ethos
proven over tens of millions of miles
an affordable
truly sustainable fuel
that works 24/7
and delivers​
This knowledge and experience makes Pure Fuels uniquely placed in helping business meet
both environmental and financial challenges today.
R100 is recognized by the DfT as
biodiesel a 100% renewable fuel
carbon intensity 14.9gCO2eq/MJ
lifetime GHG emission saving of 84% (relative to the fossil fuel comparator for transport of 94 gCO2eq/MJ).